Postgraduate programs (Master – PhD – Fellowship)

Postgraduate programs (Master - PhD - Fellowship)

System search and equation

Training programs and professional diplomas inside and outside Iraq or in the distance education system

Professional certificates and international memberships


Benefits of the search system and the equivalence of experiences

(Duration from 3 months to 6 months)



Within these programs, the trainee does not need a lengthy study, residency conditions and other requirements that may be imposed by some educational institutions, where the trainee can do a mini-research in which the trainee depends on his scientific, practical and professional experience, and he can also seek the assistance of the scientific body in which the researcher is registered when preparing the research.


Where our accredited bodies help the student to prepare the mini-research, which is one of the requirements for obtaining the equivalence of certificates.


This privilege provided by STC in cooperation with the GC, MHR GI and ADAL allows the student to freely choose the topic of research and the thesis according to his/her desire with advice to facilitate the selection process.

Multiple scientific skills

The scientific experience accumulated at our center as a result of cooperation agreements and regional and international accreditations that have produced many research and scientific references that help the student to rely on them to choose the topic of selection and preparation of scientific research in addition to the possibility of conducting electronic research and the thesis through specialized scientific and reference sites.


Impact and potency

Much of the research conducted on the scientific research system and the equation of experiences has proven that it is equivalent to or exceeds in most cases the effectiveness in the traditional education system when using these technologies efficiently and this is what STC has strengthened by contracting with GC to provide all educational capabilities and experiences and harnessing it to serve the center and ensure that its programs are properly implemented, supported by modern technologies.

Geographical exploitation

The student does not need to commit to one place in order to exchange information. The student can read, listen or review the information at any time if the student is in his/her home or in a country other than the country in which the student resides, where the student can study in text, audio or visual form through resources and websites.

Saving time and effort

Our educational programs and technologies provide other privileges to the trainee and the learner, the most important of which is that the learner is not linked to appointments, which is in line with the student’s agenda, as he/she is not required to commit to a specific time for the purpose of participating in and watching the lectures and following up on the topics and details related to them.


Benefits of distance education (the period of time from 6 months to 9 months)


As this system allows the trainee and the learner to follow the lectures at the appropriate time for study and training.


As this system allows the trainee and the learner to follow the lectures at a convenient time.


This system allows the option to participate in the lectures as desired.

Multiple sensory skills

There are many options in ways to deliver the course material, including the illustrated course material and interacting with the lecturers through computer programs or applications and modern communication programs

Impact and potency

Much of the research that has been conducted on the distance education system (online) has proven that it is equivalent to or in succession at times in impact and effectiveness than the traditional education system when these technologies are used with the required efficiency.

Geographical exploitation

This system allows the trainee, the student, the professor, and the trainer to be present in one place for the purpose of exchanging information. The student can read, listen or watch the professor’s lecture on electronic applications and programs over the Internet, even if the student is in his home or in another country other than the one in which his teacher resides. Also, the professor can publish his/her lectures electronically or record them and then provide his/ her students with these recordings or provide them with written texts, audio or video recordings via the Internet.

Professional certifications

Designed and implemented by a group of specialized academic experts, consultants, and professional experts working in a field. This system aims to ensure that the holder of a professional certificate has the optimum level of skills, knowledge, formal and informal education, training experiences and job experience necessary for work.

At the company level

  • Professional certificates have become a well-known and universally applied means of indicating and judging at the level of the individual skillfully, scientifically and professionally in the labor market, especially when making selection, appointment, promotion and career development decisions.
  • It has also become one of the most important tools and methods of continuous education and training that ensure companies continue to update the knowledge, skills and experiences of all their employees and to eliminate knowledge and professional obsolescence.
  • Increase productivity and improve performance at the individual and organization levels.

At the individual level

  • Obtaining documentation from an accredited international body for professional knowledge, skills and experience is one of the most important personal goals for all managers, supervisors and employees for a sense of achievement, distinction and excellence at the individual level and for career development.
  • Winning promotions, moving from a level and an administrative center to a level and a higher administrative center, and increasing wages and bonuses.
  • The ability to perform better by acquiring the tools, skills and modern methods of performing the profession.


Positive effects of obtaining accredited professional certificates

  • Winning promotions, moving to a higher administrative level, and increasing wages and bonuses.
  • The ability to perform better by acquiring the tools, skills and modern methods of performing the profession.
  • Finding excellent job opportunities with great salaries, as the recipient of these programs gets a great deal of experience equivalent to at least five years of experience.
  • Changing negative trends and perceptions towards career development.
  • Preparing an integrated project for the establishment and application of new systems in your companies.


The most important disciplines that STC provides in cooperation with MHR GI, MPL, GC, ADAL, BUS and BSE



Intellectual property rights


Law studies
Strategic Planning


Corporate governance



Master’s degree

A professional master is a higher professional degree concerned with the study that develops professional skills. Therefore, the master’s degree is one of the university degrees for postgraduate studies, which the student uses after completing his/her university studies and obtaining a bachelor’s degree, because it gives the university student many advantages that make it his/her most important goal in the near future.

The importance of studying a master’s

In fact, we cannot overlook the importance of studying the master’s degree, as it enhances the student’s ability to resume academic and scientific life in a sound manner and at a steady pace, because it guarantees him/her a better opportunity at work and other social and professional fields.


The aims of studying a master’s?

  • Delve into the field of study with all its derivatives.
  • Promotion at work and receiving a distinguished salary.
  • Raise the level of creativity, innovation and scientific and critical thinking.
  • An opportunity to occupy the highest and best positions.
  • A preliminary step for obtaining a doctoral degree.

All of these pros and more constitute the importance of studying the master, and perhaps this explains the great demand for its studies and advancement in the academic and scientific side as well.

(There are no complicated conditions, only that you do not pass the higher degree before the lower, in other words, you can register with us in the Master’s degree if you have a higher qualification before you obtain the professional degrees).


Postgraduate programs

Professional doctorate degree

  • The professional doctorate is characterized by its strong link with the needs and various requirements of the labor market, and therefore it is considered one of the non-traditional study programs that focus on providing a wealth of practical and scientific expertise and knowledge that qualifies the student for a job opportunity or promotion to higher job levels and centers and increases the opportunity Work for public and private companies and institutions.
  • The holder of a professional doctorate graduates to be professional and does not need years to prepare a scientific thesis. Rather, he/she obtains the certificate once he/she successfully performs the graduation examinations for his/her academic curricula and proceeds directly with his/her work in companies and institutions. He also has the opportunity to work as a certified trainer at other training centers and educational institutions.
  • The study of a professional doctorate requires the applicant to have a master’s qualification mainly before joining the program, whether a traditional master or a professional master or equivalent to that degree in general, and therefore it does not represent an equivalent to the experiences and certificates obtained by the student before and is not considered a continuation of the number of academic hours the student studied Also, it is a distinguished educational program that includes knowledge in various fields.

(There are no complicated conditions – only that you do not pass a higher degree before the other, in other words, you can register with us in the doctorate directly if you hold a master’s degree even from any university, and so you must have a high qualification before you get the professional degrees)

STC organizes a graduation ceremony inside and outside Iraq, during which scientific research is presented, certificates, academic cards and grades are received, along with a letter of congratulation and a shield from the donor.

Postgraduate programs

Fellowship program

  • Fellowship is a postgraduate program designed to provide a small group of talented and distinguished students in different fields with scientific skills based on real, interactive and practical practice of the principles and theories that have been and are studied after graduation and the difference between them and the rest of the studies that follow graduation diplomas, masters and doctorates, both professional and academic.
  • It is not intended for everyone, only the talented and discerning.
  • Its duration ranges from one university to another and from one place to another according to the type, field of study, and purpose thereof. There is no quasi-agreement on a specific period as is the case in other studies.
  • It depends mainly on practicing the theories, terms and ideas that have been studied and which the student learns through direct coexistence and practical application on all topics related to the study axes, and not satisfied with merely studying theory in any of the programs.
  • The fellowship is supposed to be more restrictive in terms of conditions so that only certain people who possess specific skills and competencies will join it.

(There are no complicated conditions – only that you do not pass a higher degree before the other in other words, you can register with us in the fellowship program directly if you hold a master’s and doctorate degrees even from anywhere else, and so you must have a high qualification before you obtain the professional degrees).


Professional certification programs

The benefits of such certificates:

  • Seeking self-development and enhancing knowledge and skills.
  • Uniqueness and distinction from others and among competitors in the field of work, which means access to greater opportunities.
  • Raise the market value and achieve a greater return by charging a higher and better wage than before.
  • Career development.
  • Understanding appropriate and strategic planning methods, and the ability to develop methods of work in major institutions and the phenomena in them.
  • Reflecting the bearer’s ability to create new ideas and innovations.

A group of specializations in the field of professional certificates provided by STC in cooperation with the International Justice Foundation ADAL

Certified international arbitrator  

Certified marine arbitrator


International dispute resolution advisor


In which the participant obtains an international accreditation certificate + a membership card with the title of the certificate he/she obtained and the table of specialization registered in it from the International Justice Foundation ADAL and from the international centers that such these certificates.



International Memberships

The benefits of such memberships:

  • Raising the social position that befits you.
  • Excel from others when recruiting locally or internationally.
  • Excel yourself from others with the same qualifications or even experiences.
  • If you want to be distinguished in your profession at the level of international recognition and access to high positions in your profession or department.

STC, in cooperation with ADAL, provides memberships in the following regional and international institutions and centers:

Member of the Arbitration Board of the American Council of International Law and Arbitration
An international arbitrator certified by the Center for International Commercial Arbitration in Paris
Arbitration expert at the American Council on International Law and Arbitration
Arbitration judge at the American Council for International Law and Arbitration
American University Fellowship in Law and Arbitration
Expert in the Permanent International Dispute Tribunal for Arbitration
Member of the Arbitration Committee of the Permanent International Court of Arbitration
Judge of the Permanent International Disputes Court for Arbitration


All certificates and accreditation memberships qualify the holder to use the title officially and internationally under his/her name. Such membership contributes to the realization of a financial return for the beneficiary.